Sunday, June 17, 2007


Hats and Bags and Shoes, Oh My!

We call Clare "Accessory Girl" because she is obsessed with hats, bags, and especially SHOES! She always wants to be wearing shoes (especially her Crocs) and is unhappy whenever her parents are barefoot. When we are out in public, she loudly proclaims SHOES if she notices interesting footwear on anyone who passes by. The other day we were in the JC Penney shoe department and she was in heaven. She probably would have played for hours with the kids shoe display on the wall.

In addition to hats, bags and shoes, Clare loves to be outside and to walk (or RUN) along the sidewalk. She especially loves to walk the quarter mile from our house to the nearby grocery/drugstore and shout "Hi" and "Bye" to everyone we pass.


We went to the zoo on Father's Day (June 17) - It was Clare's first time. She didn't seem to notice the animals too much. She was more interested in pushing her stroller (she loves this and could do it for miles) and in her 4-year-old friend Charlie who accompanied us. Charlie was an excellent tour guide (he knows the DM Zoo well). Hopefully we can go back with him when Clare is a bit more clued in!

We also broke out our little swimming pool for the season:






Happy Birthday (cake courtesy of Aunt Alisa)

The birthday party began right after we arrived from Iowa, so Clare was tired and overwhelmed. The much-anticipated destruction of her very own cupcake did not go well.

So, we all sang Itsy-Bitsy Spider to cheer her up (even Poppy - I wish we could have gotten the whole crowd in the photo or on video - it was a lot of fun and did the trick.)

Merry Christmas

First visit to the Alamo (on a warm December day)

Back in Iowa, preparing for some fun in the snow.

Clare loves having visitors and provides lots of entertainment for Grandma and Grandpa Schwarze.