Saturday, June 05, 2010

Fairy Lesson

Clare LOVES to play teacher. Here's her impromptu fairy lesson from earlier today.

Makeover Party

One of the girls in Clare's preschool/daycare had her 4 year old birthday party at a salon in town. The girls got makeovers, ate sweets, and danced. Now whenever Clare's not happy with me, she tells me I'm not invited to her makeover birthday party. (I resist the urge to tell her she's not having a makeover birthday party!)

Visit from Grandma and Grandpa AND Tumbling Recital

Grandma and Grandpa came for a visit in mid-May and saw Clare's first tumbling recital. They were also great sports about playing Disney Yahtzee and musical chairs.

Mommy and Clare Dress Up Party

Clare likes for me to dress up in my old bridesmaid dresses (she calls them my "fabulous" dresses) and then we dance and have a pretend birthday party in the living room. At least I can still zip this one :-)

Sweet Natalie

We visited the Illinois family in May to celebrate Natalie's baptism.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Sleepover Fun

Clare (C) and Elizabeth (E) were born 10 days apart and have known each other since birth (we were in childbirth classes with E's parents). Even though we live 75 miles apart now, Clare and I get to DM pretty regularly and she loves to play at E's house. They've been wanting a sleepover for a while and we did a beginner's sleepover last month (Clare and I both stayed over at E's house) so we decided to try the real thing. E stayed over here both Tues and Wed night this week and did great! Here are pics of some of the fun we had:

Dress-up and dance was one of the first things they did (after we got over the trauma of them accidentally locking themselves in Clare's room. Luckily, a butter knife was all I needed to get the door unlocked from the outside. Once I showed them how to unlock the door themselves from the inside, they enjoyed locking themselves in.)

Picnic Dinner on the living room floor. Pizza, of course, but I had to include fruit and veggies on the plate. E asked for more broccoli - love that positive peer pressure.

They played "wicked witches" by wearing their blankets and saying, "We're wicked!" over and over again. Here they are making wicked faces.

Bedtime stories.

They are pretending to be asleep here. (If only it had been so easy to get Clare to go to sleep on these 2 nights...)

On Wed morning we made a list of all the things they wanted to do during the sleepover. They marked them off as we finished them. (This was important to Clare - I have a feeling there will be a lot more lists in our future.)

Princessopoly (Well, we didn't actually play it since the fun for them was just in setting it up.)

Coloring and creating.

Snack outside.

Chalking the driveway (and their legs)

We went to the McDonald's with a playplace for an afternoon treat.

They asked for matching hairdos - someone even asked if they were twins :-)

Clare calls McD's "Old McDonald's Happy Farm" and thinks that Ronald is the farmer.

Here they are REALLY asleep before I woke them up on Thursday morning.

Pictures from the last 3 years